"The Street of Seven Stars" by Mary Roberts Rinehart is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story unfolds in an Austrian city, focusing on a group of American music students struggling to pursue their dreams while facing financial hardships and emotional challenges. The main character, Harmony Wells, is depicted as a talented young violinist grappling with the pressure of her aspirations and the daunting reality of her situation in a foreign land. At the start of the novel, the scene is set within an old house that evokes a sense of history and longing. Harmony is introduced as she navigates the loneliness and difficulties of her life as an aspiring musician, surrounded by friends who are also facing their own struggles. The opening describes her recent emotional turmoil, her dedication to her craft, and the camaraderie and mutual support among her peers, even as they contend with societal expectations, personal ambitions, and the lurking threats of loneliness and failure. As Harmony considers her future, she is propelled into a world where love, survival, and artistic integrity intertwine, setting the stage for a narrative rich in character exploration and emotional depth. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Street of Seven Stars
By Mary Roberts Rinehart
"The Street of Seven Stars" by Mary Roberts Rinehart is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story unfolds in an Austrian city, focusing...
Mary Roberts Rinehart was an American writer, often called the American Agatha Christie. Rinehart published her first mystery novel The Circular Staircase in 1908, which introduced the "had I but known" narrative style. Rinehart is also considered the earliest known source of the phrase "the butler did it", in her novel The Door (1930), although the exact phrase does not appear in her work and the plot device had been used prior to that time. She also worked to tell the stories and experiences of front line soldiers during World War I, one of the first women to travel to the Belgian front lines.