"Solomon's Orbit" by William Carroll is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around an eccentric character named Solomon, who inadvertently discovers a method to leverage old automobile engines to launch cars into orbit. This whimsical tale explores themes of ingenuity and serendipity in scientific endeavors, juxtaposed against the backdrop of a Cold War space race. The narrative unfolds as Solomon operates a junkyard in California, where he concocts a unique method for sending cars into space using vacuum and exhaust pressure. As old vehicles mysteriously begin disappearing into the sky, both American and Russian authorities are drawn into a frenzy of investigation and intrigue. Following his accidental success, Solomon is urgently whisked away to Washington to share his newfound knowledge with military officials, all while remaining blissfully unaware of the international implications of his seemingly innocent hobby. The story is a humorous take on the intersection of everyday life and the era's scientific advancements, highlighting the absurdity of both government paranoia and the unexpected consequences of a simple man's ingenuity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Solomon's Orbit
By William Carroll
"Solomon's Orbit" by William Carroll is a science fiction novella written in the early 1960s. The story revolves around an eccentric character named S...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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