"Agnes Grey" by Anne Brontë is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story follows the life of Agnes Grey, a young woman who embarks on a challenging career as a governess. Through her experiences with various families, readers are likely to encounter themes of social class, education, and the struggles faced by women in Victorian society. The opening of the novel introduces us to Agnes and her family background, detailing her upbringing in the modest life of the daughter of a clergyman in the north of England. As Agnes expresses her desires to experience the world beyond her sheltered existence and contribute financially to her family, she longs for independence. The text sets the stage for her determination to become a governess, showcasing her ambitions and the challenges she anticipates as she navigates between the expectations of her family and the realities of her future profession. As she prepares to leave home, a mix of excitement and melancholy envelops her, hinting at the emotional depth and trials to come in her journey. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Agnes Grey
By Anne Brontë
"Agnes Grey" by Anne Brontë is a novel written in the mid-19th century. The story follows the life of Agnes Grey, a young woman who embarks on a chall...
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About the Author
Anne Brontë was an English novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Brontë literary family.
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