"The Crimson Patch" by Augusta Huiell Seaman is a mystery novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around young Patricia Meade, who finds herself in a hotel while her father, Captain Meade, embarks on a clandestine government mission during a time of war. Patricia's life takes a thrilling turn as she navigates friendships and potential dangers, especially regarding her budding connection with a foreign girl named Virginie de Vos and the mysterious presence of their neighbor, Madame Vanderpoel. The opening of the novel sets the stage as Patricia and her father arrive at their hotel. Despite the excitement of being in a new place, Patricia grapples with the absence of her mother, who is in a sanatorium. As they settle into their suite, her father’s secretive work and the sudden arrival of a telegram about a family member add tension to their stay. The narrative introduces several key characters, including the suspicious waiter Peter Stoger and the enigmatic Madame Vanderpoel, creating an atmosphere charged with intrigue. Patricia's keen observations of her surroundings hint at the unfolding mystery, particularly about the relationships and motivations of those around her, setting the tone for the adventures and revelations to come. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Crimson Patch
By Augusta Huiell Seaman
"The Crimson Patch" by Augusta Huiell Seaman is a mystery novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around young Patricia Meade, who...
Augusta Huiell Seaman was an American author of children's literature.
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