"The Girl Next Door" by Augusta Huiell Seaman is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around two young girls, Marcia and her best friend Janet, who have recently moved to a city apartment and become intrigued by the mysterious house next door, known as "Benedict's Folly." As they uncover the secrets of the house and its occupants, they particularly focus on a girl named Cecily, who appears to be living under strange circumstances with an old lady named Miss Benedict. The opening of this novel introduces the main characters, Marcia and Janet, as they explore their new surroundings and find themselves drawn to the dark and seemingly deserted house across the way. Marcia reveals her loneliness and curiosity about the peculiar old lady living there, who rarely makes appearances. As they begin to form a bond with Cecily, the girls become increasingly concerned about her isolated existence and the mysterious protocols that govern her life under Miss Benedict's care. The initial chapters set up an engaging atmosphere of mystery and friendship, hinting at deeper emotional themes as the friendship with Cecily unfolds amidst pressing questions about her past. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Girl Next Door
By Augusta Huiell Seaman
"The Girl Next Door" by Augusta Huiell Seaman is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around two young girls, Marcia and her ...
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About the Author
Augusta Huiell Seaman was an American author of children's literature.
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