"In Jeopardy" by Van Tassel Sutphen is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Hugh Hildebrand, who learns of the death of a distant relative, Francis Graeme, and subsequently discovers he is the primary beneficiary of Graeme's will. As Hugh navigates the family's dynamics and history at "Hildebrand Hundred," he encounters various characters culminating in a series of events that suggest deeper mysteries surrounding the death of his cousin. The opening of the novel introduces Hugh through a letter notifying him of his cousin's funeral and hinting at an inheritance. He reflects on his distant connection to the Graeme family, the historical rift caused by the Civil War, and his mixed feelings about attending the funeral. Upon his arrival at "Hildebrand Hundred," he encounters various family members and their complicated relationships, including John Thaneford, whose family has a vested interest in the estate. As the narrative unfolds, the atmosphere is charged with tension and foreshadowing, particularly as the reader learns about the mysterious circumstances surrounding Graeme's sudden death, setting the stage for deeper intrigue and family secrets. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
In Jeopardy
By Van Tassel Sutphen
"In Jeopardy" by Van Tassel Sutphen is a novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around Hugh Hildebrand, who learns of the ...
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About the Author
William Gilbert van Tassel Sutphen (1861–1945) was an American playwright, librettist, novelist, and editor, an authority and author of publications on golf, and, eventually, an Episcopalian minister.
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