"Against the Stone Beasts" by James Blish is a science fiction novel written in the late 1940s. The narrative explores themes of time travel, alien civilizations, and a war against an unseen predatory force inhabiting the Earth itself. It beautifully weaves speculative elements with deep emotional and philosophical undercurrents, capturing the tension between human experiences and alien cultures. The story follows the protagonist, Andreson, who accidentally time-travels to a future where winged beings called the Varese inhabit a civilization on Earth, now under siege by mysterious creatures known as the space-beasts. Through his interactions with Jina, a Varesian, and Atel, another winged being, Andreson learns about the war against these creatures that can move through solid matter. With the city under threat of annihilation and the characters facing tremendous odds, the plot navigates through themes of identity, survival, and the complex dynamics of interspecies relationships. The unfolding conflict leads to dramatic confrontations, revealing the fragility of existence and the illusion of separation between worlds, ultimately posing profound questions about belonging and the essence of life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Against the Stone Beasts
By James Blish
"Against the Stone Beasts" by James Blish is a science fiction novel written in the late 1940s. The narrative explores themes of time travel, alien ci...
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About the Author
James Benjamin Blish was an American science fiction and fantasy writer. He is best known for his Cities in Flight novels and his series of Star Trek novelizations written with his wife, J. A. Lawrence. His novel A Case of Conscience won the Hugo Award. He is credited with creating the term "gas giant" to refer to large planetary bodies.
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