"The Mighty Dead" by William Campbell Gault is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story imagines a dystopian future where Earth has colonized near planets, yet literature has been completely abolished due to strict censorship laws led by political pressure groups. The protagonist, Doak Parker, faces moral dilemmas as he navigates this grim societal landscape in a quest for truth and connection amidst a world without written words. The narrative follows Doak Parker, a Security Officer, who is forced to investigate potential subversive activities centered around a mysterious group fostering the illicit printing of literature. His journey leads him to the small town of Dubbinville, where he encounters residents who are secretly feeding a hunger for stories in spite of the oppressive laws that govern their lives. As Doak uncovers their underground efforts to keep literature alive, he grapples with his own beliefs about freedom, expression, and the purpose of his role within an authoritarian system. With the threat of his job and future looming, Doak faces the choice between complying with oppressive authority and joining the fight against censorship, ultimately revealing the resilience of human creativity and the enduring power of the written word. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Mighty Dead
By William Campbell Gault
"The Mighty Dead" by William Campbell Gault is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story imagines a dystopian future where Earth h...
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About the Author
William Campbell Gault (1910–1995) was an American writer. He wrote under his own name, and as Roney Scott and Will Duke, among other pseudonyms.
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