"Cupid's Fair-Weather Booke" by John Cecil Clay and Oliver Herford is a whimsical collection of humorous poetry and illustrations likely written during the early 20th century. The book explores the delightful and often tumultuous nature of love and relationships through the lens of changing seasons, employing clever metaphors related to gardening and weather patterns. This playful approach to romance invites readers to consider the ups and downs of courtship with a lighthearted spirit. The content of "Cupid's Fair-Weather Booke" presents a unique almanac-style depiction of love throughout the months of the year, personified through various astrological signs and corresponding weather forecasts. Each month features witty poems that reflect the emotional climate of love, with forecasts discussing the joys and challenges of romantic pursuits. From resolutions in January to the highs and lows of summer romance, Herford and Clay’s verses offer a playful take on the complications of relationships, suggesting that just as gardeners tend to their plants, so too must hearts be nurtured and cared for with patience and humor. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Cupid's Fair-Weather Booke Including an Almanack for Any Two Years (True Love Ought to Last That Long)
By John Cecil Clay
"Cupid's Fair-Weather Booke" by John Cecil Clay and Oliver Herford is a whimsical collection of humorous poetry and illustrations likely written durin...
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About the Author
John Cecil Clay, 1875–1930, was an American illustrator known for genre and caricature paintings.
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