"The Radio Boys Rescue the Lost Alaska Expedition" by Gerald Breckenridge is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows three boys—Jack, Bob, and Frank—as they embark on a thrilling quest to locate a lost expedition in Alaska led by the mysterious explorer Thorwald Thorwaldsson. As they navigate through challenges, they encounter dangers, mysteries of the North, and the potential for treasure in the form of an incredible oil discovery. At the start of the narrative, the boys, recently returned from an adventure in South America, are intrigued by the tale of the "Lost Expedition" that their father, Mr. Hampton, shares with them. He explains that the expedition disappeared while searching for an elusive oil field, prompting him to plan a rescue mission in the Arctic. As the plot unfolds, the boys prepare for the journey ahead, facing the unpredictable wilderness, hostile Indians, and the enigmatic figure known as Lupo the Wolf. The opening chapters set a tone of mystery and excitement, promising readers a captivating journey filled with action, discovery, and camaraderie. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Radio Boys Rescue the Lost Alaska Expedition
By Gerald Breckenridge
"The Radio Boys Rescue the Lost Alaska Expedition" by Gerald Breckenridge is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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