"Sea Mew Abbey" by Florence Warden is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story opens with heart-wrenching themes of loss and longing, following the troubled life of Captain Mulgrave, who has just lost his wife, and his motherless infant daughter, Freda. The narrative begins with Freda's arrival at a convent after her mother's death, setting the stage for her eventual journey to her father's home. The opening of the book depicts a series of poignant events as we meet Captain Mulgrave and experience his grief after the loss of his wife, alongside the introduction of his daughter, Freda, who is left to find her place in a world that seems both desolate and mysterious. As the chapters unfold, we witness Freda grow up in the shelter of the convent, all the while holding onto the hope of reuniting with her father. However, upon finally arriving at Sea-Mew Abbey, disillusionment sets in as Freda discovers not only her father's troubled past but also finds herself in an environment that feels cold and unwelcoming. The tension escalates with the unexpected twists of her father's sudden death, leaving her alone to navigate her new reality in an ominous, decaying manor. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Sea Mew Abbey
By Florence Warden
"Sea Mew Abbey" by Florence Warden is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story opens with heart-wrenching themes of loss and longing, follo...
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About the Author
Florence Warden was an English actress and writer, who wrote many novels under her stage name, her name at birth being Florence Alice Price and her married name Mrs G. E. James.
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