"The Old Die Rich" by H. L. Gold is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around Mark Weldon, an actor who becomes obsessed with understanding why elderly individuals with substantial savings choose to starve to death rather than spend their money. Through a series of investigations, Weldon uncovers a connection to a mysterious woman, May Roberts, who operates a time-traveling scheme that preys on the elderly, leading them to tragic ends. The opening of the story introduces Mark Weldon, who is visiting a scene of death with a medical examiner. He learns about an elderly woman who has died of starvation despite having thousands of dollars in the bank. Intrigued and disturbed by the circumstances surrounding such cases, he begins to delve deeper into the psyche of these old people. His search leads him to the enigmatic May Roberts, who uses a time machine for her own profitable motives, offering Weldon a chance at wealth but at a potentially deadly cost. As he grapples with moral questions and dangers related to time travel, the narrative sets up a gripping exploration of desperation, greed, and the lengths to which people will go to survive. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Old Die Rich
By H. L. (Horace Leonard) Gold
"The Old Die Rich" by H. L. Gold is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The story revolves around Mark Weldon, an actor who becomes ob...
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About the Author
Horace Leonard Gold was an American science fiction writer and editor. Born in Canada, Gold moved to the United States at the age of two. He was most noted for bringing an innovative and fresh approach to science fiction while he was the editor of Galaxy Science Fiction, and also wrote briefly for DC Comics.
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