"The Girl at Cobhurst" by Frank R. Stockton is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the characters who live in and around the quaint town of Thorbury, focusing on the titular character, Miriam Haverley, as she navigates her new life at the Cobhurst estate with her brother Ralph. At the start of this novel, we are introduced to Dr. Tolbridge, a well-respected physician who is called away by his wife to check on a patient, Miss Panney. His wife emphasizes the need for him to rest, hinting at Miss Panney's manipulative nature, leading to a humorous exchange between the couple. Shortly thereafter, we meet Miriam as she arrives at Cobhurst, where her eager exploration leads to a fainting spell after encountering a box of human bones in the attic. This incident brings both concern and humor, setting a lively tone for the unfolding narrative filled with community dynamics, strong character relationships, and the peculiar charm of small-town life. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Girl at Cobhurst
By Frank R. Stockton
"The Girl at Cobhurst" by Frank R. Stockton is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the characters who live in and arou...
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About the Author
Frank Richard Stockton was an American writer and humorist, best known today for a series of innovative children's fairy tales that were widely popular during the last decades of the 19th century.
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