"Mrs. Cliff's Yacht" by Frank R. Stockton is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Mrs. Cliff, a widowed millionaire, as she navigates her newfound wealth following a significant life change. The narrative delves into her thoughts and feelings about returning to her old life in Plainton, Maine, while grappling with the responsibilities and adjustments that wealth brings. The opening of the novel introduces Mrs. Cliff as she sits alone in a New York hotel, reflecting on her circumstances. Recently enriched through unexpected fortune, she feels a mixture of excitement and apprehension about returning home. Despite her financial standing, she expresses a strong desire to maintain her connections to her old friends and lifestyle, not wanting her wealth to create a barrier between herself and those she loves. As Mrs. Cliff prepares for her journey back to Plainton, she contemplates how to incorporate her wealth into her life while preserving her identity and relationships, setting the stage for her interactions with her friends, neighbors, and her community upon her return. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Mrs. Cliff's Yacht
By Frank R. Stockton
Sequel to The Adventures of Captain Horn, #12190.
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About the Author
Frank Richard Stockton was an American writer and humorist, best known today for a series of innovative children's fairy tales that were widely popular during the last decades of the 19th century.
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