"Joe Leslie's Wife; or, a Skeleton in the Closet" by M.D. Alexander Robertson is a detective novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around private detective Eric Darrell as he delves into the complexities of a marriage strained by secrets, particularly concerning Joe Leslie and his seemingly innocent wife, Lillian. The narrative explores themes of deception and trust within relationships, posing intriguing questions about fidelity and the truth. The opening of the novel introduces Eric Darrell in his New York office, where he meets the troubled Mrs. Leslie, who seeks his help to uncover a secret about her husband, Joe. She suspects him of infidelity due to his unexplained absences and mysterious visits to a house on Twenty-seventh Street. As Mrs. Leslie recounts her suspicions, the detective begins to question his old friend Joe's integrity, further complicated when Joe himself visits Darrell shortly after Mrs. Leslie's departure. The initial chapters set up a gripping mystery intertwined with the characters' personal dilemmas, foreshadowing a complex unraveling of relationships as Darrell seeks to discover the truth behind Joe's actions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Joe Leslie's Wife; or, a Skeleton in the Closet
By Alexander Robertson
"Joe Leslie's Wife; or, a Skeleton in the Closet" by M.D. Alexander Robertson is a detective novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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