"Hurrah for New England!" by Cornelia L. Tuthill is a children's novel written during the mid-19th century. The story revolves around a Virginia boy named Pidgie Beverley, who embarks on a fishing cruise to New England with his older brother Clarendon. Through Pidgie's experiences and observations, the book explores themes of adventure, friendship, and cultural contrasts between the Southern and New England states. At the start of the narrative, Pidgie writes a letter to his cousin Bennie, recounting how he ended up in Marblehead, Massachusetts, and expressing his initial disdain for the town until he learns to appreciate its unique charm. Following some familial discussions regarding Clarendon's health, they decide to take a vacation on a fishing-vessel, the Go-Ahead. Pidgie's excitement about the trip is palpable as he shares amusing encounters with local children, his reflections on his brother's reluctance, and encounters with various characters that hint at the diverse social fabric of New England. Through Pidgie's perspective, readers are treated to vivid descriptions of the ocean, the quaint town, and the budding friendships with local boys like David Cobb, showcasing the blend of humor and heartfelt moments that characterize this adventure. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Hurrah for New England! Or, The Virginia Boy's Vacation
By Cornelia L. (Cornelia Louisa) Tuthill
"Hurrah for New England!" by Cornelia L. Tuthill is a children's novel written during the mid-19th century. The story revolves around a Virginia boy n...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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