"Little Comrade: A Tale of the Great War" by Burton Egbert Stevenson is a historical novel written in the early 20th century. The story takes place just before the outbreak of World War I, focusing on the experiences of an American surgeon, Dr. Bradford Stewart, who encounters the grim reality of impending war in Europe. The narrative revolves around his interactions with a German surgeon named Hermann Bloem and a mysterious Frenchwoman, highlighting the complexities of loyalty, love, and the harsh consequences of militarism. At the start of the novel, the reader is introduced to Stewart and Bloem as they share a coffee on a terrace in Cologne, where Bloem reveals the unsettling news that war is imminent due to escalating tensions in Europe. As they discuss the possibility of war, Bloem expresses his fears about Germany's militaristic culture. Soon after, as the narrative progresses, Stewart becomes entangled in a dangerous situation involving a beautiful Frenchwoman who seeks his help to escape the turmoil caused by the war. This opening portion sets the stage for a gripping exploration of the chaotic backdrop of World War I and the personal stories that unfold against it. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Little comrade: a tale of the great war
By Burton Egbert Stevenson
Also published as The girl from Alsace: a romance of the great war.
Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872–1962) was an American author, anthologist, and librarian. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio on 9 November 1872, and attended Princeton University 1890–1893.
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