"Squib and His Friends" by Evelyn Everett-Green is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young boy named Squib, whose real name is Sydenham, and chronicles his adventures and experiences as he navigates the complex dynamics of his family, his love for the outdoors, and the unique bond he shares with animals, particularly his dog, Czar. As the narrative unfolds, themes of friendship, family, and the innocence of childhood are explored through Squib's eyes. At the start of the book, we are introduced to Squib, often referred to as "the odd one" in his family due to his unique position among his siblings and his solitary interests. Lacking a close sibling bond, Squib immerses himself in imaginative play and adventures outside, cultivating a strong affinity for animals. The opening chapter unfolds various anecdotes about Squib's interactions with his father, his pet dog, and the gentle conflicts he faces in establishing himself in a loving but busy household. His father's eventual kindness towards him and the growing connection they form sets the stage for future adventures as Squib learns about the world around him, leading to a story rich in character development and whimsical exploration. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Squib and His Friends
By Evelyn Everett-Green
"Squib and His Friends" by Evelyn Everett-Green is a children's novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young boy named Squ...
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About the Author
Evelyn Ward Everett-Green was an English novelist who started with improving, pious stories for children, moved on to historical fiction for older girls, and then turned to adult romantic fiction. She wrote about 350 books, more than 200 of them under her own name, and others using the pseudonyms H. F. E., Cecil Adair, E. Ward and Evelyn Dare.
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