"Wakulla: A Story of Adventure in Florida" by Kirk Munroe is a novel likely written during the late 19th century, reflecting the spirit of exploration and adventure in American literature. The story follows the Elmer family, particularly siblings Mark and Ruth, as they leave their New England home to settle on a plantation in Florida, embracing the challenges and wonders of their new life in the southern landscape. At the start of the novel, Mark and Ruth Elmer excitedly prepare to leave their small New England village for a plantation in Florida, motivated by their father's health concerns. The opening chapter captures their mixed emotions about leaving home—anticipation, fear, and joy—amidst the excitement of adventure and the exotic life awaiting them in the "Land of Flowers." As they embark on their journey aboard the schooner Nancy Bell, they encounter interesting characters and challenges, such as rescuing a man from an ice floe, all while dreams of Florida's alligators, orange groves, and pirates fill their imaginations. The narrative sets the stage for their adventures, highlighting the themes of family bonds, courage, and the allure of new horizons. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Wakulla: a story of adventure in Florida
By Kirk Munroe
"Wakulla: A Story of Adventure in Florida" by Kirk Munroe is a novel likely written during the late 19th century, reflecting the spirit of exploration...
Kirk Munroe was an American writer and conservationist.
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