"The Last Two Alive!" by Alfred Coppel is a science fiction novel written during the early 1950s. The story unfolds in a galaxy ruled by the tyrannical Tetrarchy of the Thirty Suns, exploring themes of rebellion, tyranny, and the impact of war on civilization. The narrative centers on Aram Jerrold, a rebel officer, and his journey through political intrigue and existential struggle as he and a companion attempt to save something vital from the impending destruction of their civilization. The plot begins with Aram Jerrold facing a death sentence for treason after an ill-fated rebellion against the government. Throughout the story, he grapples with betrayal, particularly from Deve Jennet, a woman he once loved and who has ties to the oppressive regime. As they navigate the treacherous political landscape, they uncover a horrific plan by Provincial Governor Santane to unleash biological weaponry that could devastate their galaxy. Coppel weaves a tale of survival and the fight against tyranny, culminating in a desperate confrontation with Santane as a full-blown galactic war looms. Ultimately, the narrative explores humanity's resilience and the cost of power, leaving readers pondering the fate of civilization amidst chaos. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Last Two Alive!
By Alfred Coppel
"The Last Two Alive!" by Alfred Coppel is a science fiction novel written during the early 1950s. The story unfolds in a galaxy ruled by the tyrannica...
Alfred Coppel, Alfredo Jose de Arana-Marini Coppel was an American author. Born in Oakland, he served as a fighter pilot in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. After his discharge, he started his career as a writer. He became one of the most prolific pulp magazine authors of the 1950s and 1960s, adopting the pseudonyms Robert Cham Gilman and A.C. Marin and writing for a variety of pulp magazines and later "slick" publishers. Though writing in a variety of genres, including action thrillers, he is known for his science fiction stories which comprise both short stories and novels.