"The Blind Spot" by Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint is a fantasy novel that was first serialized in the early 1920s. The story weaves together themes of the occult, scientific discovery, and the exploration of human perception through the experiences of its characters, notably Dr. Holcomb, a philosopher on the brink of a groundbreaking discovery, and Rhamda Avec, a mysterious man who seems to possess knowledge beyond the ordinary. The narrative begins with a celebrated case involving Dr. Holcomb, which unfolds into a thrilling journey filled with intrigue and the supernatural. At the start of "The Blind Spot," readers are introduced to Dr. Holcomb, who is preparing to deliver a monumental lecture on a mysterious subject, the "Blind Spot." As the narrative unfolds, we meet Rhamda Avec, who arrives in San Francisco cloaked in an air of enigma, and the detective, Jerome, who senses something unusual about him. A foggy morning sets the tone as these characters’ lives intertwine, hinting at deeper mysteries involving occult forces and philosophical ideas. The professor's impending lecture creates a sense of anticipation that is only heightened by the peculiar events leading up to it. The opening portion sets the stage for a blend of adventure and philosophical inquiry, engaging the reader's curiosity about what the "Blind Spot" truly signifies and how it connects to the characters' fates. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Blind Spot
By Austin Hall
"The Blind Spot" by Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint is a fantasy novel that was first serialized in the early 1920s. The story weaves together themes ...
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About the Author
Austin Hall was an American short story writer and novelist. He began writing when, while working as a cowboy, he was asked to write a story. He wrote westerns, science fiction and fantasy for pulp magazines.
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