"The Star-Master" by Ray Cummings is a science fiction novel set in the early 21st century. The narrative revolves around Arthur Frane, a young man who becomes embroiled in an interplanetary conflict involving Earthmen and the peaceful inhabitants of Venus. The story unfolds against a backdrop of adventure, exploration, and themes of imperialism, as Frane's encounters lead him to uncover plots of conquest by a villainous character, Karl Curtmann. The plot follows Arthur Frane's unexpected journey as he and his friend Jim Gregg initially venture into the Adirondack forest for a hunting trip. Their encounter with a mysterious girl named Venta leads them to be kidnapped by Earthmen aiming to dominate Venus. As they navigate a series of dangers, they learn of Curtmann's oppressive rule over the Venusian people and his plans to exert further control. With the help of Venta and a brave band of tiny allies known as the Midges, the protagonists devise a plan to thwart Curtmann's ambitions, ultimately culminating in a fierce battle. The story not only explores themes of friendship and bravery but also critiques colonialism and the moral implications of power. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Star-Master
By Ray Cummings
"The Star-Master" by Ray Cummings is a science fiction novel set in the early 21st century. The narrative revolves around Arthur Frane, a young man wh...
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About the Author
Ray Cummings was an American author of science fiction literature and comic books.
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