"Out of the Dark Nebula" by Milton L. Coe is a science fiction novel published in the early 1950s. The story unfolds against a backdrop of interstellar conflict and centers on the battleship "Albion" as it confronts the threat posed by the Dark Nebula League, particularly the Xantu race. The narrative delves into themes of war, camaraderie, and the challenges faced by an inexperienced crew thrust into combat. The book follows Vice-Admiral Jack Harrigan and Captain Mike O'Brien as they lead a crew of green space-cadets on a critical mission following the declaration of war against the Xantu. Initially on a shake-down cruise, the "Albion" is ordered back to Terra Base, but encounters the enemy fleet along the way. As they fight to survive against overwhelming odds, the crew faces internal dangers, including infiltrators disguised as crew members. The tension escalates as they navigate through battles, personal losses, and the pressure of reliance on inexperienced soldiers. Ultimately, through a combination of skill and unexpected circumstances, the crew of the "Albion" contributes to a decisive victory for the Solar Federation, highlighting the themes of bravery and resilience in the face of adversity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Out of the Dark Nebula
By Milton L. Coe
"Out of the Dark Nebula" by Milton L. Coe is a science fiction novel published in the early 1950s. The story unfolds against a backdrop of interstella...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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