"The Miracle Man" by Frank L. Packard is a novel written in the early 20th century. It tells the story of a group of characters drawn together by the allure of a supposed miracle worker, the Patriarch, who resides in a small, isolated town in Needley, Maine. The main characters include the Flopper, a physically deformed man, and the cunning Doc Madison, who plans to exploit the Patriarch's reputation to create a profitable sham of a faith-healing cult. At the start of the narrative, the Flopper is introduced in a vivid scene, highlighting his struggle in the rough environment of the Bowery and establishing the grim reality of his life. As he navigates the bustling streets, we see a glimpse of his aspirations for sympathy and generosity from the crowd he encounters. The opening sets the stage for the main plot, which revolves around Doc Madison’s plan to manipulate the town’s spiritual leader for financial gain through fraudulent healings, while also establishing the relationships among the characters that will drive the story forward. The story promises a mix of themes including exploitation, faith, and the dynamics of trust that will unfold as the characters interact with each other and the enigmatic figure of the Patriarch. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Miracle Man
By Frank L. (Frank Lucius) Packard
"The Miracle Man" by Frank L. Packard is a novel written in the early 20th century. It tells the story of a group of characters drawn together by the ...
Frank Lucius Packard was a Canadian novelist.
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