"The Voice" by Margaret Wade Campbell Deland is a novel written during the early 20th century, specifically in the early part of that century. The story revolves around the themes of faith, love, and personal belief, exploring the challenges faced by its characters, particularly in how they perceive spirituality and relationships within a small community. The novel focuses on the lives of Henry Roberts, an Irvingite who believes he can hear the Voice of God, and his daughter Philippa, who struggles with her father's beliefs while grappling with her own feelings for John Fenn, a young minister. As the narrative unfolds, Philippa attempts to win John's affection using a charm, which inadvertently leads to a crisis when John suffers a near-fatal illness, prompting Philippa to realize the gravity of her actions. The story culminates in a profound exploration of forgiveness, conversion, and acceptance as Philippa navigates her love for John and her father's faith, ultimately revealing the intersection of personal desires and spiritual convictions. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Voice
By Margaret Wade Campbell Deland
"The Voice" by Margaret Wade Campbell Deland is a novel written during the early 20th century, specifically in the early part of that century. The sto...
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About the Author
Margaret Deland was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet. She also wrote an autobiography in two volumes. She generally is considered part of the literary realism movement.
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