"Jerry's Charge Account" by Hazel Hutchins Wilson is a children's novel written in the late 20th century. The story revolves around Jerry Martin, an impulsive boy who, after starting a charge account at the local grocery store, finds himself entangled in a series of humorous and suspenseful situations. His desire for candy and the thrill of keeping secrets from his family lead him into a predicament that brings both fun and trouble. The opening of the story introduces Jerry as a mischievous boy who inadvertently breaks a sugarbowl while attempting to pull an April Fool's prank on his father. As the narrative unfolds, Jerry’s interactions with his family, particularly his twin sister Cathy and younger brother Andy, establish the dynamics of their household. We see Jerry's thoughts about the advantages of having a charge account after observing the perks given to regular charge customers in the store, which sets the stage for his decision to start one without his father's approval. The beginning sets a lighthearted tone, infused with themes of family life and youthful mischief, making it engaging for young readers. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Jerry's Charge Account
By Hazel Hutchins Wilson
"Jerry's Charge Account" by Hazel Hutchins Wilson is a children's novel written in the late 20th century. The story revolves around Jerry Martin, an i...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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