"The Blue Germ" by Maurice Nicoll is a novel written in the early 20th century. This intriguing work delves into themes of science and the quest for immortality, centering around the character of Dr. Richard Harden, a physician who becomes entangled in a life-altering discovery involving a mysterious germ. The narrative explores the implications of this germ, which offers the possibility of eternal life but also raises ethical questions about its impact on humanity. At the start of the novel, the protagonist, Dr. Harden, sustains a head injury, leading to a revelation about a germ that can transform life as he knows it. After recovering from his concussion, he is consumed by the need to investigate this germ, which eventually brings him to Russia and introduces him to Professor Sarakoff. Their collaboration sparks theories about the germ's potent abilities, especially as it is released into the water supply of Birmingham, resulting in a phenomenon known as the “Blue Disease.” The opening chapters set up a compelling mix of scientific inquiry, moral dilemmas, and the potential consequences of humanity's pursuit of immortality. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Blue Germ
By Maurice Nicoll
"The Blue Germ" by Maurice Nicoll is a novel written in the early 20th century. This intriguing work delves into themes of science and the quest for i...
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About the Author
Henry Maurice Dunlop Nicoll was a Scottish neurologist, psychiatrist, author and noted Fourth Way esoteric teacher. He is best known for his Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, a five-volume collection of more than 500 talks given and distributed to his study groups in and around London from March 1941 to August 1953.
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