"Minnie's Pet Horse" by Madeline Leslie is a children's storybook written during the mid-19th century, likely in the Victorian era. This charming tale is part of a juvenile series that focuses on the relationships children have with their pets, highlighting themes of love, loyalty, and the innocence of childhood. The book revolves around Minnie's experiences with her pet Shetland pony, Star, and presents a series of delightful anecdotes about animals, particularly horses. The narrative follows young Minnie and her beloved pony, Star, showcasing their close bond as she rides and cares for him in the idyllic countryside setting. The story is interwoven with heartwarming tales told by Minnie's uncle about the intelligence, loyalty, and emotional depth of various horses, reflecting a strong connection between animals and humans. As Minnie learns about the nature of her pony and other animals, the reader encounters touching moments that emphasize kindness, companionship, and the remarkable traits of these creatures. The book ultimately fosters a sense of appreciation and love for the animal world, making it a delightful read for children and animal lovers alike. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Minnie's Pet Horse
By Madeline Leslie
"Minnie's Pet Horse" by Madeline Leslie is a children's storybook written during the mid-19th century, likely in the Victorian era. This charming tale...
Harriette Newell Woods Baker was an American author of books for children, and editor. Her career as an author began when she was about 30 years old. She devoted herself successfully to novels; but after about 15 years, she wrote popular religious literature. Her most famous book, Tim, the Scissors Grinder, sold half a million copies, and was translated into several languages. Baker published about 200 moral and religious tales under the pen name "Mrs. Madeline Leslie". She also wrote under her own name or initials, and under that of "Aunt Hattie". She wrote chiefly for the young, and was still writing in 1893 when she died.