"Behind the Green Door" by Mildred A. Wirt is a young adult mystery novel written in the early 1940s. The story revolves around Penny Parker, an adventurous and spirited girl who embarks on a skiing trip to the quaint winter resort of Pine Top, only to find herself tangled in a web of intrigue and potential danger surrounding her father's libel case against a wealthy hotel owner. As she explores her surroundings and gathers clues, Penny's resourcefulness and determination to protect her father from this threat come to the forefront. The opening portion introduces readers to Penny Parker in a lively setting as she prepares for her skiing adventure while maintaining a deep sense of familial loyalty. Shortly after arriving at Pine Top, she learns of the libel suit against her father and the cunning businessman, Harvey Maxwell, which sets the stage for her quest for justice. Penny's interactions with her father, the housekeeper Mrs. Weems, fellow travelers, and especially her encounter with a mysterious girl locked in a cabin introduce essential elements of suspense. This narrative establishes an enticing blend of carefree fun and serious undertones, making readers eager to follow Penny on her engaging and precarious journey as she unwittingly finds herself at the heart of a puzzling mystery. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Behind the Green Door
By Mildred A. (Mildred Augustine) Wirt
"Behind the Green Door" by Mildred A. Wirt is a young adult mystery novel written in the early 1940s. The story revolves around Penny Parker, an adven...
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About the Author
Mildred Augustine Wirt Benson was an American journalist and writer of children's books. She wrote some of the earliest Nancy Drew mysteries and created the detective's adventurous personality. Benson wrote under the Stratemeyer Syndicate pen name, Carolyn Keene, from 1929 to 1953 and contributed to 23 of the first 30 Nancy Drew mysteries, which were bestsellers.
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