"Castle Blair: A Story of Youthful Days" by Flora L. Shaw is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set in Ireland and revolves around a group of children living at Castle Blair; they include two fair-haired girls, a boy, and their new French cousin, Adrienne, who arrives to stay with her uncle, Mr. Blair. The narrative explores themes of family, adventure, and the enchanting world of childhood, interweaving the children's lively escapades with the idyllic setting of their castle home. The beginning of the novel introduces Adrienne as she arrives at Castle Blair, where she meets her carefree cousins Murtagh, Rosie, and their little sister, Ellie. The children eagerly anticipate her arrival, excited to welcome their French relative into their wild and playful lives. As the evening unfolds, they share their humorous and candid personalities, giving the reader a glimpse into their dynamic family life filled with both mischief and warmth. Adjacent to this familial bond is a subtle tension with Mr. Plunkett, the estate agent whose authoritative demeanor contrasts sharply with the children's spirited nature, setting the stage for further adventures and challenges in their daily lives. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Castle Blair: A Story of Youthful Days
By Flora L. (Flora Louisa) Shaw
"Castle Blair: A Story of Youthful Days" by Flora L. Shaw is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story is set in Ireland and rev...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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